Master Service Menu and Pricing Introduction

Home Services employees were struggling with how to communicate Redfin’s Service Standards with their vendors. These employees contradicted the specific standards that were tied to the company’s mission. As a result, Redfin employees were causing unnecessary costs to Redfin which affected the bottom line. The Home Services Program Director assigned me to create a learning program for learners to better understand the Service Standards and reduce confusion while on the job. I designed a course introducing Redfin’s Service Standards to the learners through an online module. The online module included a trainer introduction video to bring a humanistic approach to the eLearning courseware. The goal was to increase engagement by having the learners make connections to their trainers electronically, so that they would feel more connected to the content. I developed all aspects of the video including, writing the script, shooting the talent, designing all the on-screen video graphics, and all other post-production steps. Learners felt more engaged and Level 1 course evaluations scored a 4.5 out of 5. Feedback from the learners suggested they enjoyed seeing their trainer on screen. They felt connected to the content and wanted to perform at a higher level for their trainer(s).


Communication Basics Overview


Change Orders in Builder Tools for RedfinNow Jobs